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Mission & vision

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1 To provide a holistic and fun learning environment where children grow to be academic scholars with diverse life skills. To be a premier homeschool, known for providing diverse education option that includes the development of essential life skills and positive character values in children. Many children opt for homeschooling for many reasons. Some parents prefer homeschool their children due to the flexibility and control in their children’s learning pace and curriculum content. There are children who learn better in small teacher-student ratio environment as offered in homeschool. Some children need more attention and individualised learning arrangement which is normally provided at homeschools. Others want to study in an English school setting and learn more range of subjects that are not offered at the public schools.

Scholar Base Academy (an extension of Scholar Base) is a homeschool at Kepong that offers such requirements. It offers a holistic approach to educating children from the age of 5 to 17 in a homeschool setting. Our Kepong homeschool students follow the British curriculum leading to the Cambridge IGCSE. Our homeschool programme encompasses IGCSE subjects and focusses on children’s intellectual, emotional, social and physical development. Class learning includes outdoor activities and nature exploration. In addition, we also place a firm emphasis on instilling good manners, self-discipline and character values. Our homeschool programmes are designed to be a self-paced, with the aim of optimising the students’ individual learning capabilities.

Principal & Staffs

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1 The Principal : Sarah @ Kalaivani

- Scholar Base Academy is headed by Sarah, who believes that education encompasses the development of mind, body, character and life skills.
- She has over 15 years of experience in teaching students at various international schools and home schools.
- Her passion in teaching and her commitment towards education help foster her relationship with her students and progress in their studies.
- She is currently pursuing her Doctoral studies (Phd at Microbiology) at University Malaya.


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1 We have 7 vans in our transport department to fetch and send children.
Rest assured our drivers are reliable and most of them have been working for many years with us.
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