What is the difference between homeschool at SBA compared with other homeschools ?
• The homeschool programme places heavy emphasis on English, and the Scholar Base English learning programme is implemented at SBA homeschool. • The teachers and parents community promotes understanding. • Scholar Base Fun approach motivates and encourages homeschool students to enjoy learning at the SBA, Kepong. • Field trips or excursions for experiential learning. • The various extra-curricular activities on life skills • The workshops on study techniques • Life skills such as money management, entrepreneur skills
When does the term start ?
Scholar Base homeschool follows the Malaysian national schools terms stipulated by MOE. However, a child may join the homeschool at Scholar Base Academy, Kepong anytime of the year.
Are there any transport ?
Our transport is safe and our drivers have been working with us for more than 10 years. The transport fee is charged separately and is paid per term.
What are the life skills you develop in a child ?
PACCIT P -Problem Solving Attitude to learn Character values – manners, respect, humility, empathy, apologetic, conflicts management C- Communication and social behaviour I - Information & Technology skills T- Team work and co-operation
What are the exams or tests during the primary years ?
There are 2 exams which are held at end of Term 1 and Term 2. There is a Parents-Teachers meeting at the end of every term to discuss about the progress on the homeschool students.
Where are the science labs ?
The Science experiments are conducted in the classes at homeschool. But for more complex ones, it will be conducted in the science laboratories of other schools.
What is the school schedule ?
School hours: 8am to 2pm.
What about lunch ?
Food may be ordered and delivered to the homeschool, Kepong at request of the parents, and the homeschool students have their meals at the canteen.